Date: 14 March 2023

The Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) is pleased to announce an annual pension increase of 5.55% to its pensioners as of 1 April 2023.

The GEP Law and Rules requires the Board of Trustees to implement annual pension increases as follows:

  • Increases must be effective from 1 April every year.
  • Increases must be at a rate of at least 75% of the average percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from 1 December to 30 November of the previous year.
  • Increases for pensioners who retired in the year prior to any increase date will receive a pro-rata increase.

In line with the GEP Law and Rules, the 5.55% increase is based on the 7.40% inflation rate for the 12 months ending 30 November 2022 thus making the increase equal to 75% of the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Pensioners who retired on or before 1 April 2022 are to receive an increase of 5.55%. Pensioners who retired after 1 April 2022 are to receive a proportionate increase based on the number of the months they have been in receipt of pension by 31 March 2023.

It is important to note that increases that are more than what is provided by the GEP Law and Rules are at the discretion of the Board and take into consideration the Fund’s investment performance and the financial sustainability of the Fund. The Fund’s returns in the 12 months preceding 30 November 2022 did not allow for a full 100% of CPI increase. Nevertheless, the Fund remains committed to granting increases that are both affordable and sustainable for its long-term viability while providing the benefits promised to its members, now and in the future.

Pension increase letters will be distributed to pensioners through email and post. The letters will also be accessible on the GEPF self-service web or App and pensioners can also visit any GEPF office to receive their letters. The GEPF will begin distribution of the pension increase letters from the 16 March 2023.

For more information, please contact:

Call Centre:0800 117 669
Twitter: @GEPF_SA

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2 March 2023, Pretoria

There is an old video from as far back as early 2020 that is recirculating on social media of the current mayor of Cape Town, Mr. Geordin Hill-Lewis, before he became the mayor, in which he states that the GEPF intends to bail out Eskom to the tune of R250 billion. The GEPF would like to provide some clarification regarding this matter for the benefit of GEPF members and pensioners.

The GEPF is guided by clear and transparent processes in line with the GEP Law and its investment strategy when undertaking investments on behalf of the Fund. Proposals have to be formally presented to the GEPF Board of Trustees, who then consider whether the proposed investments would ensure the sustainability of the Fund and provide reasonable financial returns for the GEPF.

In this regard, no proposal has been presented to the GEPF by any institution with regards to bailing out Eskom. This is therefore not a matter that is currently under consideration by the GEPF and its Board of Trustees. Should such a proposal be presented, the GEPF Board of Trustees will apply its mind in line with its mandate and fiduciary duties to ensure the sustainability of the Fund and accordingly take the most appropriate decision.

Issued by Government Employees Pension Fund

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26 October 2022, Pretoria

The GEPF will from 1 November 2022 implement its revised actuarial factors. This follows the 31 March 2021 statutory actuarial valuation report of the Fund. The actuarial interest factors are updated in line with any changes to the assumptions used at each statutory actuarial valuation of the Fund. The current actuarial interest factors are based on the 31 March 2018 statutory valuation, which was implemented with effect from 1 July 2019 to date.

The implementation of the revised factors follows the completion of a consultation process with labour organisations as required by the Government Employees Pension Law, 1996. The GEPF is required to consult with public sector labour unions concerning the calculation of actuarial interest factors which are determined when the Fund undertakes a statutory valuation.

Actuarial interest factors are used to determine the actuarial interest benefits which represent the value of a member’s benefit in the Fund, as outlined in the GEPF Rules.

Payment of a member’s actuarial interest occurs on resignations or other exits from the Fund where members have less than 10 years of pensionable service. The factors are mainly driven by how future salaries and pensions are expected to increase as well as the level of returns that the Fund’s investments are expected to earn in the long term. These drivers are referred to as economic assumptions.

The economic assumptions are based on market conditions as at the valuation date. The gap between the returns that the Funds’ investments are expected to earn in the long term (discount rate) and the salary/pension increase assumptions is what affects the factors the most. The higher this gap is, the lower the actuarial factors will be.

The gap between the returns that the Fund’s investments are expected to make in the long term and the rate at which salaries and pensions are expected to grow in the long term was higher in the 2021 statutory actuarial valuation than in the previous valuation of 2018. The revised factors result in actuarial interest values that are on average 14% lower than those that would result from the 2018 factors. The extent to which individual members’ actuarial interest factors will differ between the 2018 and 2021 factors depends on their age and category (i.e., whether they are Service members or not).

A common misconception from members is that a reduction in actuarial factors is a reduction in the guarantees promised to them by the Fund. This however is not correct. The actuarial interest factors do not change the benefit promised by the Fund upon retirement. The Fund guarantees the pension benefits payable in retirement. The value today of these future pension benefits cannot be guaranteed as this depends on the economic conditions and expectations at each point in time. Actuarial factors reflect the value of these guaranteed future pensions in today’s terms. These factors, therefore, change when market expectations about the future are adjusted at each valuation date.

Failure of the Fund to implement the revised factors would result in exiting members being paid more than their fair share of the Fund’s assets thereby disadvantaging members who remain in the fund and ultimately those that retire with the Fund.

The changes to the actuarial factors will affect all resignations and other exits where members have less than ten years of pensionable service from 1 November 2022.

In summary, the 2021 actuarial factors have reduced from the 2018 factors. The factors are lower due to the changing economic assumptions adopted for the 2021 statutory actuarial valuation. As a result, changing the assumptions ensures the GEPF’s assets and liabilities are matched and that members get paid their fair share of benefits and no one is disadvantaged.

Issued by Government Employees Pension Fund

For more information please contact: Matau Molapo, Communications

T: +27 (0) 12 424 7315

M: +27 (0)79 1910 757


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The GEPF continues positive growth with a 9.6% year-on-year growth with record market value of R2.3 trillion

20 October 2022, Pretoria

The GEPF continues positive growth with a 9.6% year-on-year growth with record market value of R2.3 trillion

The Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) is pleased to announce its financial results for the year ended 31 March 2022.
Key Performance Indicators:

      • Market value of R2.3 trillion increasing by R 201 billion from the previous financial year
      • Investment market value increased by 9.6%
      • Return on Investment of 11.1% for the financial year
      • Accumulated funds and reserves grew at an average annual rate of 8.6% for the 10-year period 2013-2022
      • Net investment income of R255.7 billion
      • Member contributions of R82 billion
      • Benefits paid of R136 billion

Despite the Fund operating in tough economic conditions, the GEPF achieved a 9.6% year on year growth, closing with the highest market value in its history of R2.3 trillion in the 2021/22 financial year, an increase of R 201 billion from the previous financial year. This increase resulted in a return on investment of 11.1% realising a net investment income of R255.7 billion. During the 10-year period, 2013-2022, the GEPF’s accumulated funds and reserves grew at an average annual rate of 8.60%.
This continued growth of the Fund irrespective of the prevailing difficult economic conditions clearly indicates that the Fund’s long-term investment strategies continue to assist in growing the Fund. The improved return was largely because of positive domestic market conditions, particularly equities growth, rising commodity prices and the performance of our Bond portfolio which improved by 6% from the previous financial year.

There was a recovery in the Fund’s unlisted and property portfolios. The GEPF continues to strengthen its oversight and strategies with respect to these portfolios to further improve their performance. It is however important to note that the long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to impede these portfolios.

According to the GEPF’s 2021 statutory actuarial valuation, the Fund is financially sound, reflecting a funding level of 110.1% to meet its current benefit obligations to members. It is an improvement when compared to the funding level of 108.3% reflected in the previous valuation which was done in 2018.
Notwithstanding the tough operating environment, total benefits paid by the Fund in the financial year under review amounted to R136 billion. Our pension administrator, the GPAA, paid 499 726 pensions compared to 479 483 in the 2020/2021 financial year, reflecting an increase of 4%. It processed and finalised 33 627 retirement claims compared with 27 960 in 2020/2021, reflecting an increase of 20.3%. Gratuities paid amounted to R21.4 billion compared to R19.7 billion in financial year 2020/21. Monthly annuities paid amounted to R62.3 billion compared to R56.3 billion in the previous period. Active members decreased from 1 265 406 in 2020/2021 to 1 261 363, a minimal decrease of 0.3%.

In an effort to further strengthen and enhance our investment processes, including oversight of the Public Investment Corporation (PIC), GEPF implemented the following including recommendations made by the Judicial Commission of inquiry into allegations of impropriety at the PIC (the Mpati Commission);

      • The Fund’s investment policy was reviewed and strengthened;
      • Implementation of a revised strategic asset allocation following the evaluation of the Fund’s investment strategy and an asset liability modelling exercise;
      • Agreement has been reached with the PIC on benchmark returns which has resulted in a revised mandate being signed for the listed and unlisted portfolios;
      • In enhancing monitoring and evaluation of investments, the Board approved a revised internal investment monitoring structure to strengthen oversight and monitoring capacity;

The goal to improve benefits administration continues to be a key strategic objective for the GEPF. A key concern in this regard is the late payment of benefits by the Government Pensions Administration Agency (GPAA). Consequentially, the Fund reviewed and strengthened its service level agreement (SLA) with the GPAA as well as started a process of reviewing its operating model with GPAA, aimed at improving service delivery to our members, pensioners and beneficiaries.

The newly appointed GEPF Board is committed to growing the Fund as well as ensuring that the Fund becomes more efficient and effective in benefits administration and its investment strategies. The outlook for the GEPF remains positive regarding South Africa’s prospects and we believe that teamwork and determination will take us to greater heights than before.
The Audited Financial statement can be reviewed on the GEPF website on
Issued by Government Employees Pension Fund

For more information please contact:
Matau Molapo, Communications
T: +27 (0) 12 424 7315
M: +27 (0)79 1910 757

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Clarity on increased tax deductions on pension payments

04 October 2022

The Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) has noted the concern raised by some pensioners with respect to a reduction in their pension this month.

As required by the Income Tax Act, the Government Pensions Administration Agency (GPAA) implemented a directive from the South African Revenue Service (SARS) that provided for a revised rate of tax to be deducted from pensioners’ monthly pension payment.

Prior to implementing the revised rate of tax, the GPAA wrote to all affected pensioners using the contact details that GPAA has, informing them of the choices they have. Some pensioners might have not received the correspondence or did not fully understand the choices/options they had.

The impact on the tax paid by pensioners is as a result of changes to the revised tax rate (PAYE) as notified by SARS. It is important to note that this only applies to pensioners who receive more than one source of taxable income in addition to their GEPF pension, that is the income sources as reflected on the SARS tax system.

The GEPF reiterates that pensioners have the option to opt out of the revised tax rate provided by SARS and revert to the normal PAYE rate applicable to their pension.

It is important to note that this choice will result in the GEPF continuing to deduct tax as in previous months and NOT in the more accurate effective tax rate as provided by SARS. This may result in pensioners having to settle a tax debt with SARS at the end of the tax year. Choice forms will be sent to affected pensioners and will also be available at GEPF offices.

For further information please contact the GEPF Contact Centre on 0800 117 669.


Issued by the Government Employees Pension Fund.
Media Enquiries:
Mack Lewele: 082 450 5076 or Rakgwatha Mokou: 081 814 0030

Tax Deductions
GEPF Open Letter – Tax
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There has been a video and a message being circulated claiming that GEPF members will be allowed to make partial withdrawals from their pension fund as of early 2023.

Please note the contents of both the video and the messages are incorrect and misinformed. GEPF members are not allowed to make any early access withdrawals from their pension fund.

Currently, GEPF members can only access funds when they exit the fund through retirement, ill health, discharge from service, or resignation in line with the rules as stipulated in the GEP Law.

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Minister of Finance appoints new GEPF Board

Monday, 4 July 2022. Pretoria – Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana today convened the first sitting of the new Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) Board of Trustees.

The new Board is led by Mr Dondo Mogajane as Chairperson and Mr Eddie Kekana as Deputy Chairperson.

The Board of Trustees comprises of 16 members, 8 from the employer and the other 8 from the employees. Their names are listed below.

SiphoNkambuleMrPOPCRUEmployee Nominated Trustee
GreggRaffertyMrHOSPERSAEmployee Nominated Trustee
ThaboMatsoseMrSAPUEmployee Nominated Trustee
KgomotsoMakhupolaMsNEHAWUEmployee Nominated Trustee
PierreSnymanMrPSAEmployee Nominated Trustee
EddieKekanaMrSADTUEmployee Nominated Trustee
MusaNkosiMrForcesForces Elected Trustee
Christo Van DykMrPensionersPensioners
Lebo Mokgabudi MsIndependent
Employer Nominated Trustee
Employer Nominated Trustee
Employer Nominated Trustee
of Basic
Employer Nominated Trustee
of Defence
Employer Nominated Trustee
LineoNtshieaLieutenantGeneralSAPSEmployer Nominated Trustee
Barnabas Ntlou MrDPSAEmployer Nominated Trustee
NtsoarengMarotholiMrSSAEmployer Nominated Trustee

The GEPF extends its gratitude to the outgoing Board for the immense contribution they have made to the Fund for the past four years and we wish them well in their future endeavours. The GEPF equally welcomes the new Trustees to their positions and looks forward to their contribution. /ends

For more information, please contact:

Matau Molapo,

GEPF Stakeholder Management and Communications Division

T: +27 (0) 12 424 7315

M: +27 (0)79 1910 757


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The GEPF recently published the statutory actuarial valuation report as at 31 March 2021. Actuarial valuation reports are quite detailed, long and difficult to understand for the layman. This article aims to summarise the content of the actuarial report and explain the results in a simplified manner.

The purpose of statutory actuarial valuation

As suggested by the name, a statutory valuation is required by regulation. The GEPF is Governed by the GEP Law and Rules. According to the GEP Law, the fund is required to submit a statutory actuarial valuation at least once every three years. Hence one of the purposes is to satisfy this regulatory requirement. Though the report is meant to cover the aspects required by the GEP Law, there are additional disclosures included which are not requirements of the GEP Law. These are more aligned with the Pension Funds Act  and are included in the valuation report as best practice.

A valuation presents a good chance for the fund to assess its financial health. This is done by assessing whether the existing assets are sufficient to meet all the fund’s obligations. The valuation also serves the purpose of assessing the level of employer contributions required in the future years as well as reviewing the level of additional reserves required to further protect members’ benefits.

A glance at the valuation results

The fund reflected a healthy financial position as at 31 March 2021. A healthy financial position is one where the assets and investments of the fund are worth more than the fund’s obligations. As at 31 March 2021, the fund’s net assets were about R2.041 trillion compared to total liabilities of R1.854 trillion reflecting a surplus of around R187 million. This reflects a minimum funding level of 110.1% which is an improvement from the previous funding level of 108.3%. The funding level of 110.1% means that the fund has R110.10 set aside as assets for every R100 that it owes to its members.

The valuation report reflected a required employer contribution rate of 17.3% of pensionable salaries for Services members and 13.5% of pensionable salaries for other members. The contribution rate reflects what is needed to meet the benefits that members are expected to earn over the next two years, provided that all assumptions work out as expected.

Membership statistics

The valuation of the fund was based on an increased membership of 1 270 444 active members and 485 633 pensioners and beneficiaries.  The pensionable salaries of members who contributed to the fund throughout the valuation period increased by an average of 6.2% per annum, during the valuation period. Annual pensions increased by an average of 4.0% per annum during the valuation period. The employer contributed at 16% and 13% of pensionable salaries for services and other members respectively.

The valuation assumptions and why they are required

The GEPF is a defined benefit fund which means that the formula to determine the benefits payable to members when they leave the fund are prescribed. The fund does not guarantee the exact payment to be made at the point of exit. In addition, it is not possible to predict with certainty when exactly a benefit payment will be triggered and for how long the pension payments will be made for. Assumptions are then required to approximate these factors.

Assumptions on how salaries and pensions will increase in the future are then required. These are referred to as salary and pension increase assumptions and form part of the economic assumptions. Assumptions relating to how likely members are to withdraw from the fund and how long they are expected to live for, are also required. These are referred to as the demographic assumptions.

It is important to note that the fund’s obligation relates to the promise made to members to pay their pension benefits for life. This is a financial commitment and is based on benefits payable in the future. There is a need to standardise these future payments in today’s terms. To do this, we need to attribute a time value to money and express these future payments as a lump-sum value in today’s terms. This is done by discounting all future cash flows using the discount rate assumption, which is part of the economic assumptions.

As you can see, the assumptions are required to estimate a value today of all the expected future benefit payments.

Why the assumptions change and why they are best-estimate

The economic assumptions are based on the long-term market expectations and conditions as at the valuation date. As the assumptions are based on market expectation, these values change as market views and sentiments change. The assumptions provided by the market are referred to s best-estimate assumptions. Such assumptions allow for a long-term view of the market and take account of expected peaks and troughs and expects these effects to cancel each other out over time. These best-estimate assumptions are then used to determine the fund’s liabilities. It is important to note that the best-estimate liabilities are expected to cover for all expected payments.

What has led to the improved minimum funding level?

The 2021 economic assumptions are higher than in 2018 and result in a wider gap between the discount rate and the salary /pension increase assumptions. This gap is the biggest driver of the liabilities. The higher the gap is, the lower the overall fund liability. The minimum funding level has improved mainly due

  • to salary and pension increases being lower than allowed for in the previous projections
  • to the wider gap between the discount rate and salary and pension increase assumptions for the current valuation,
  • pension increases being higher than previously projected.

Though the investment returns were lower than expected and the demographic assumptions were less favourable compared to expectations, this was not enough to outweigh the surplus generated by the above factors. The fund, therefore, experienced an increased surplus and reflected a higher minimum funding level.

The required employer contribution rates

Part of the disclosures of the valuation are the recommendations on the future contribution rates to be adopted by the employers going forward. The recommendation is based on the benefits that are expected to be earned by active members over the next two years, which in turn is based on the valuation assumptions adopted. The required employer contribution rate is equal to 17.3% of pensionable salaries for Services members and 13.5% of pensionable salaries for Other members. This is lower than the previously required rates of 18.9% and 14.4% of pensionable salaries for Services and Other members respectively. The reduction in the required contribution rate is mainly due to the less stringent valuation economic assumptions adopted for the current valuation.

What the long-term funding level represents

It is important to note that both the minimum and long-term funding levels look at the long-term position of the fund. The only difference is that the minimum funding level does not make an allowance for contingency reserves. Instead, the minimum funding level only considers the best-estimate liabilities, which are the funds set aside to cover for the expected future benefit payments. Contingency reserves are additional amounts that are set aside to cover unexpected events over a prolonged period. These events include

  • prolonged periods of low economic activity and low returns; and
  • prolonged mortality improvements resulting in pension payments being made for longer periods than expected.

The GEPF liabilities are of long duration and payments are expected to be made over a long period of time. It is highly unlikely that the fund would. Unlike the banking and insurance industries, pension funds are expected to withstand periods of depressed economic activity over the medium term. Furthermore, the GEPF has the government as a guarantor of last resort which adds further protection to members’ benefits. This means that there is no strict requirement to hold contingency reserves in full. Holding the full contingency reserves is an ideal position but is not a requirement for the fund.

As previously mentioned, the fund is governed by the GEP Law, and the GEP Law does not make any allowance for contingency reserves. The fund reports on contingency levels to try mirror the Pension Funds Act (“PFA”), which is applicable to all other funds. However, even under the PFA, a fund is only considered to be in a deficit if its assets cannot meet the best-estimate liabilities only. This means that contingency reserves are not allowed to put a fund into a deficit and a fund would only be required to hold the level of contingency reserves supported by its assets. The contingency reserves should not be viewed as an additional obligation but should be viewed as an additional buffer that is set aside to cover unexpected events.

The full recommended contingency reserves amounted to R892m. The fund’s assets can support holding 20.9% of the full contingency reserves. This represents an additional buffer in addition to the amounts set aside to meet the best-estimate liabilities.


In summary, the fund is in a healthy financial position and has reflected an improved minimum funding level from the previous valuation. This fund can afford to meet all expected benefit payments in full and allow for a buffer of R187m to cover unexpected events.  The recommended employer contributions rates have been reduced from the previous valuation due to the more favourable long-term assumptions.

In closing, the fund is in a healthy position and aims to provide further protection for its members” benefits.

Brian Karidza is the Head of Actuarial & Benefits Administration Services at the GEPF

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GEPF and PIC sign a new unlisted investment mandate

03 May 2022 

PRETORIA – The Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) and the Public Investment Corporation (PIC) have signed a new unlisted developmental investment mandate. The GEPF is the largest pension fund in Africa, with assets in excess of R2.1 trillion, which are managed by the PIC.

The GEPF first introduced the unlisted developmental investment mandate in 1997 under the name Isibaya Fund and subsequently renewed it over the years. The developmental investment funds are aimed at generating financial and socio-economic benefits by addressing structural imbalances in the economy to facilitate transformation, economic growth, job creation, and environmental and financial returns.

The developmental mandates focus is on South Africa and the rest of Africa. The target of developmental investments for South African is between R300 million and R500 million per entity although attractive investments starting at R100 million will be considered per entity. The Rest of Africa developmental investment portfolio shall mainly comprise of investments between USD20 million and USD40 million.

The PIC encourages interested institutions to submit proposals to this portal: Proposals will be assessed in accordance with the prescripts of the funding guidelines of each mandate.


Issued by
PIC Corporate Affairs


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Cape Town: Tuesday, 29 March 2022

The Western Cape regional office of the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) is relocating to new premises. The office, previously located at Thibault Square, Standard Bank Building in Long Street, Cape Town, will start operating from the Buitengracht Centre at 125 Buitengracht Street from Thursday 31 March 2022.

The new premises have a much bigger working area and office space; thus, the walk-in service center will be able to accommodate more people inside as opposed to clients queueing in the streets where they are often forced to contend with the harsh elements and may potentially be exposed to threats to their safety.

According to Mario Johns, GEPF Branch Manager in the Western Cape, the GEPF is committed to ensuring that its members, pensioners, and beneficiaries receive quality services and that those services are offered in the most comfortable, safe, and client-friendly environment. The operating hours are from 07:00 to 16:00.

In trying to get services closer to the people, the GEPF has nine (9) walk-in centers and seven (7) satellite offices across the country.

The GEPF is Africa’s largest pension fund with more than 1.2 million active members and over 473 000 pensioners and beneficiaries. It is a defined benefit fund that manages pensions and related benefits on behalf of government employees that currently boast assets worth more than R2.09 trillion.


For more information please contact:
Rakgwatha Mokou (Manager: Media and Stakeholder Relations)
Telephone: +27 (0) 12 319 1126
Mobile: +27 (0) 81 814 0030

Mack Lewele (Senior Manager: Communications)
Telephone: +27 (0) 12 399 2543
Mobile: +27 (0) 82 450 5076

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