All government employees whose conditions of service fall under the Public Service,  including those employed in all  national and provincial government departments, offices of the provincial premiers, the Public Service Commission, Provincial Service Commissions and the office of the Auditor-General, are members of the GEPF.

Employees from these organisations make up around 98 percent of GEPF’s membership.

The remaining members are from other government institutions or bodies that GEPF’s Board of Trustees has approved as participating employers.

Members of GEPF qualify for benefits on retirement and also on resignation or discharge. If a member dies, death benefits are paid to his or her beneficiaries, who can also claim benefits to help pay for funeral costs.To qualify for pension and other benefits, members pay a monthly premium to the GEPF. Their employer also contributes by paying a certain amount every month.

All GEPF members pay 7.5% of their pensionable salary as their contribution to the Fund. Over and above this amount, the member’s employer contributes 13% of the member’s pensionable salary, unless they are a member of the South African National Defence Force or the intelligence communities. These employers contribute at the rate of 16% of the member’s pensionable salary.